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Attorney Database for Physicians

(Physician contract lawyers, healthcare law attorneys & more)


As you likely know if you're on our physician communities, posts asking for recommended attorneys or comments telling the posters that they need to speak with an attorney come up multiple times a day.  

This may be in regards to attorneys specializing in physician contracts, employment or professional issues often faced by doctors, estate planning, divorce or family lawyers, real estate, immigration, or otherwise. 


To help connect our physicians with these resources, we have partnered with the attorneys below, who have been positively reviewed by doctors within our Facebook communities, and who sponsor our mission.


If you are a law firm that would like to be listed on this list, please visit our partner with us page to learn more. Please note that partnerships are based on synergy and vetting, and therefore not all partnership requests will be accepted.


Disclosure: Please note that although these are sponsored listings, we have made an effort to vet prior reviews of the firms listed here to the best of our ability and provide you with a place to start with your research.  As always, we do recommend doing your own due diligence to assess whether the firms listed are a good fit for you, and you should view this list as a warm introduction, rather than a formal recommendation for your particular situation. To learn more, visit our disclaimers and disclosures.







Contract review attorneys for physicians
Attorneys who work with employment issues for physicians
Healthcare law attorneys for physicians
Local estate planning attorneys for doctors
Immigration law attorneys for physicians
Contract Review



With very few exceptions, we think everyone should have their employment contract reviewed by a contract attorney before signing. In most cases, it is well worth the money. Your potential employer has put a lot of time and effort into compiling a contract agreement that works well for them. Having a trained set of eyes helping you review and counter with suggested changes can help protect you from issues such as concerning clauses or from items negotiated being left out of the contract.


Learn more in our physician contract negotiations primer.


Below, you can browse our local contract review attorneys, organized alphabetically by state. We also have a partner that reviews physician employment contracts across the nation below the local listings.

Local Contract Review Attorneys by State





Eunice Xiao, JD


Eunice Xiao, JD is an attorney who is married to a physician and started Physician Contracts Consultant (PCC) to help other physicians have a successful journey through the contract negotiations process. Through their own experience as a physician family, she learned how important contracts are for starting a physician’s career off on the right foot. As a result, she now dedicates her real-life understanding and years of experience with contracts and healthcare to empower her clients. For her undergraduate studies, she attended UC Berkeley (magna cum laude) and attended Columbia University (M.S.) and University of Washington (J.D.) for graduate schools.


Get started: Fill out the Contact Us form on her website and complete the questions listed on the form. Physicians may also email Eunice at, but completing the form allows Eunice to receive introductory information that she will need to ask when you email her instead of completing the contact form. (Please check your spam folder if you do not hear back, as she usually responds within a day.)




Jay Ziskind, JD


Jay Ziskind, JD has been Board Certified in Health Law by the Florida Bar since 1995. He was the CEO of a 500 bed teaching hospital in Miami, the co-founder of a public hospital management company, and founder/owner of an Ambulatory Surgical Center company before attending law school, so he understands the business side of medicine as well as the legal side. He is passionate about advocating for physicians and helping them navigate physician employment agreements and issues related to their careers in medicine.


PSG perk: Jay offers our members a 20% discount off his usual hourly rate. He also offers flat fees or a range of fees on legal assignments as appropriate.


Get started: Visit Jay's website today to reach out regarding your contract review or employment issue inquiry. If calling, please leave a voicemail, and Jay will promptly return your call. (He screens calls for spam.)




Eunice Xiao, JD


Eunice Xiao, JD is an attorney who is married to a physician and started Physician Contracts Consultant (PCC) to help other physicians have a successful journey through the contract negotiations process. Through their own experience as a physician family, she learned how important contracts are for starting a physician’s career off on the right foot. As a result, she now dedicates her real-life understanding and years of experience with contracts and healthcare to empower her clients. While Eunice currently resides in California, she has previously lived and worked in Kansas during her husband's residency, and maintains her license and connections in the region.


Get started: Fill out the Contact Us form on her website and complete the questions listed on the form. Physicians may also email Eunice at, but completing the form allows Eunice to receive introductory information that she will need to ask when you email her instead of completing the contact form. (Please check your spam folder if you do not hear back, as she usually responds within a day.)


New Jersey

Physician contract review attorneys in New Jersey

Trevor Anderson, JD


Trevor Anderson, JD has spent most of his legal career representing physicians, physician owned practices and licensed healthcare facilities. He also happens to be married to a physician. His varied experience as a consultant at Ernst & Young and healthcare M&A attorney enables him to identify risks others may overlook while providing holistic guidance. He has represented physicians and practices in the negotiation and structuring of employment agreements throughout all stages of employment – from the first post-residency position to partner buy in and equity arrangements.


PSG Perk: Trevor offers a 10% discount on his standard rates to PSG members and offers other flexible fee arrangements. 


Get started: Feel free to contact Trevor directly at or complete this intake form


New York

Physician contract review attorneys in New York

Trevor Anderson, JD


Trevor Anderson, JD has spent most of his legal career representing physicians, physician owned practices and licensed healthcare facilities. He also happens to be married to a physician. His varied experience as a consultant at Ernst & Young and healthcare M&A attorney enables him to identify risks others may overlook while providing holistic guidance. He has represented physicians and practices in the negotiation and structuring of employment agreements throughout all stages of employment – from the first post-residency position to partner buy in and equity arrangements.


PSG Perk: Trevor offers a 10% discount on his standard rates to PSG members and offers other flexible fee arrangements. 


Get started: Feel free to contact Trevor directly at or complete this intake form



North Carolina

Heather Skelton, JD


Heather Skelton, JD is a lawyer who has devoted her career to advocating for medical practices, individual physicians, and those in the healthcare industry. She started as in-house counsel at a managed care organization, and then opened her own practice, eventually joining Nicole Gardner to create the Gardner Skelton Law Firm. She was selected for inclusion on the 2024 Super Lawyers list for North Carolina. Heather offers contract review services for physician employment agreements with a private practice or healthcare system.


Get started: Call the Gardner Skelton law offices today at 704-335-0350 regarding your contract review, employment issues, or healthcare law needs.




Karen Davidson, JD


Karen Davidson, J.D. is a seasoned attorney based in Philadelphia, PA who runs a client-centered firm focused on representing health care professionals. She has a special focus on contract review for physicians in diverse settings including academic institutions, hospitals/health systems and private practice. Karen places a high value on communication and responsiveness, seeking to provide her clients with thorough and thoughtful legal guidance and support.


Get started: Reach out to Karen through her website, or by email at, or telephone at (610) 940-4041 and you are welcome to mention you're coming from PSG.



Physician contract review attorney in the state of Texas

Amanda Hill, JD


Amanda Hill, JD is a true “physician’s advocate.” She has spent 24 years representing healthcare groups and physicians, and has vast experience negotiating deals, reviewing contracts, answering healthcare questions, strategizing with clients, buying and selling practices, and providing employment advice and counsel. She is the “red phone” that doctors call in crisis, or to help them with any business deal. Everyone on her team is highly experienced and can help physicians and healthcare groups navigate the complex world of legal issues.


Get started: Fill out the PSG inquiry form and someone will reach out to set up an initial free consult call.



National Contract Review Firms That Can Review Contracts in Any State






Resolve is a national company that specializes in physician contracts so they're very familiar with compensation data, partnership agreements, things to look out with for call compensation, liability insurance, noncompetes, and more.


PSG Perk: They offer PSG members 10% off through our affiliate link by using code PHYSICIANS10.


Contact Resolve today to get started.

Employment Issues



Our employment attorney partners can help you with issues such as:

  • Issues with your employer or employment (noncompete issues, etc.)

  • Licensing

  • Medical board issues


Learn more about how to respond to a medical board complaint or investigation.


If you've found yourself in a situation where you need an employment issue attorney and are also looking for support from other physicians who can understand the stress of the process, reach out to our hive in our Physician Community Facebook group.




Jay Ziskind, JD


Jay Ziskind, JD has been Board Certified in Health Law by the Florida Bar since 1995. He was the CEO of a 500 bed teaching hospital in Miami, the co-founder of a public hospital management company, and founder/owner of an Ambulatory Surgical Center company before attending law school, so he understands the business side of medicine as well as the legal side. He is passionate about advocating for physicians and helping them navigate physician employment agreements and issues related to their careers in medicine.


PSG perk: Jay offers our members a 20% discount off his usual hourly rate. He also offers flat fees or a range of fees on legal assignments as appropriate.


Get started: Visit Jay's website today to reach out regarding your contract review or employment issue inquiry. If calling, please leave a voicemail, and Jay will promptly return your call. (He screens calls for spam.)


New Jersey

Physician employment law attorneys in New Jersey

Trevor Anderson, JD


Trevor Anderson, JD has spent most of his legal career representing physicians, physician owned practices and licensed healthcare facilities. He also happens to be married to a physician. His varied experience as a consultant at Ernst & Young and healthcare M&A attorney enables him to identify risks others may overlook while providing holistic guidance. He has represented physicians and practices in negotiating and resolving employment disputes, non-competes and other restrictive covenants, board complaints and licensing issues.


PSG Perk: Trevor offers a 10% discount on his standard rates to PSG members and offers other flexible fee arrangements. 


Get started: Feel free to contact Trevor directly at or complete this intake form


New York


Trevor Anderson, JD


Trevor Anderson, JD has spent most of his legal career representing physicians, physician owned practices and licensed healthcare facilities. He also happens to be married to a physician. His varied experience as a consultant at Ernst & Young and healthcare M&A attorney enables him to identify risks others may overlook while providing holistic guidance. He has represented physicians and practices in negotiating and resolving employment disputes, non-competes and other restrictive covenants, board complaints and licensing issues.


PSG Perk: Trevor offers a 10% discount on his standard rates to PSG members and offers other flexible fee arrangements. 


Get started: Feel free to contact Trevor directly at or complete this intake form​



Physician contract review attorney in the state of Texas

Amanda Hill, JD


Amanda Hill, JD is a true “physician’s advocate.” She has spent 24 years representing healthcare groups and physicians, and has vast experience negotiating deals, reviewing contracts, answering healthcare questions, strategizing with clients, buying and selling practices, and providing employment advice and counsel. She is the “red phone” that doctors call in crisis, or to help them with any business deal. Everyone on her team is highly experienced and can help physicians and healthcare groups navigate the complex world of legal issues.


Get started: Fill out the PSG inquiry form and someone will reach out to set up an initial free consult call.




The healthcare industry is highly regulated with laws constantly changing, which can cause compliance concerns and issues for doctors. The law firms below can help your private practice with all sorts of issues so that you can focus on what matters most: patient care.


Learn more about starting and successfully running a medical private practice.




Jay Ziskind, JD


Jay Ziskind, JD has been Board Certified in Health Law by the Florida Bar since 1995. He was the CEO of a 500 bed teaching hospital in Miami, the co-founder of a public hospital management company, and founder/owner of an Ambulatory Surgical Center company before attending law school, so he understands the business side of medicine as well as the legal side. He is passionate about advocating for physicians and helping them navigate physician employment agreements and issues related to their careers in medicine.


PSG perk: Jay offers our members a 20% discount off his usual hourly rate. He also offers flat fees or a range of fees on legal assignments as appropriate.


Get started: Visit Jay's website today to reach out regarding your contract review or employment issue inquiry. If calling, please leave a voicemail, and Jay will promptly return your call. (He screens calls for spam.)


New Jersey

Physician employment law attorneys in New Jersey

Trevor Anderson, JD


Trevor Anderson, JD has spent most of his legal career representing physicians, physician owned practices and licensed healthcare facilities. He also happens to be married to a physician. His varied experience as a consultant at Ernst & Young and healthcare M&A attorney enables him to identify risks others may overlook while providing holistic guidance. He has represented physicians, practices and facilities on a spectrum of issues ranging from corporate transactions and M&A, Fraud and Abuse (e.g., Stark Law, Anti-kickback Statute, False Claims Act) compliance, payor audits and SIU investigations, employee handbooks, vendor contracts and commercial real estate acquisitions and leases. Trevor specializes in assisting physicians navigate the business of healthcare while complying with the uniquely fraught regulatory framework in which it exists.  


PSG Perk: Trevor offers a 10% discount on his standard rates to PSG members and offers other flexible fee arrangements. 


Get started: Feel free to contact Trevor directly at or complete this intake form


New York

Physician healthcare law attorneys in New York

Trevor Anderson, JD


Trevor Anderson, JD has spent most of his legal career representing physicians, physician owned practices and licensed healthcare facilities. He also happens to be married to a physician. His varied experience as a consultant at Ernst & Young and healthcare M&A attorney enables him to identify risks others may overlook while providing holistic guidance. He has represented physicians, practices and facilities on a spectrum of issues ranging from corporate transactions and M&A, Fraud and Abuse (e.g., Stark Law, Anti-kickback Statute, False Claims Act) compliance, payor audits and SIU investigations, employee handbooks, vendor contracts and commercial real estate acquisitions and leases. Trevor specializes in assisting physicians navigate the business of healthcare while complying with the uniquely fraught regulatory framework in which it exists.  


PSG Perk: Trevor offers a 10% discount on his standard rates to PSG members and offers other flexible fee arrangements. 


Get started: Feel free to contact Trevor directly at or complete this intake form



Physician contract review attorney in the state of Texas

Amanda Hill, JD


Amanda Hill, JD is a true “physician’s advocate.” She has spent 24 years representing healthcare groups and physicians, and has vast experience negotiating deals, reviewing contracts, answering healthcare questions, strategizing with clients, buying and selling practices, and providing employment advice and counsel. She is the “red phone” that doctors call in crisis, or to help them with any business deal. Everyone on her team is highly experienced and can help physicians and healthcare groups navigate the complex world of legal issues.


Get started: Fill out the PSG inquiry form and someone will reach out to set up an initial free consult call.




Estate planning attorneys in Illinois for doctors

Sandeep Basran, JD


Attorney Sandeep Basran is an estate planning attorney who resides in Chicago with his physician wife and has been licensed to practice in Illinois since 2006. He has provided professional services to a large number of physicians in need of services such as wills, trusts (revocable and irrevocable), living wills, power of attorneys, and transfer on death instruments. He understands that estate planning and asset protection for physicians require a comprehensive analysis of one’s unique personal, family, professional, financial and emotional outlook both retrospectively and prospectively.  Sandeep also understands that a lot of the discussions centered around this are delicate but necessary in order to preserve the financial and emotional well-being of his clients. He truly enjoys getting to know his clients and relieving his clients of these significant legal matters.


Get started: Please contact Sandeep Basran at for any of your IL estate planning questions and needs. There is no fee for a consult.  



Siddharth Chary, JD


Siddharth Chary, JD is an attorney based in New York City and has been working with physicians and healthcare organizations for over a decade. In 2016 Sid started his own practice, Chary Law, in order to help physicians and their families navigate the complex process of obtaining J-1 visa waivers, employment based visas and green cards. Sid's firm works closely with physicians, hospital organizations, FQHCs, and private healthcare of all sizes to obtain positive immigration outcomes. In addition to physician immigration matters, Chary Law handles investment and employment based immigration matters, marriage based green cards, and adjustment of status petitions. Sid holds a bachelor's degree in International Business and Management degree from American University and a JD from St. Thomas School of Law. Sid was recently selected to Thomson Reuters SuperLawyers in 2023 for immigration. 


PSG Perk: Sid offers a discounted fee to all PSG members. 


Get Started: Please e-mail Sid directly at


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