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A repository of articles about things doctors didn't learn in medical school, covering side gigs, finances, the business of medicine, life in medicine, and more. These resources are intended to take a deeper dive into specific topics referenced in our educational pages.
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Investing on Behalf of Your Child: 529s, UTMAs, Roth IRAs, and More
Ways physicians can save & invest on behalf of their children, such as 529s, UTMAs, & Roth IRAs, & pros/cons of each account to help choose

Active Adult Living: Real Estate Investing Opportunities in Senior Housing
How demand for senior housing & active adult living communities creates real estate investment opportunities in funds, REITS, & syndications

Bitcoin Basics: What it Is, Ways to Buy & Invest, Storage, & Risks
Guide to getting started with Bitcoin investing, covering what it is, whether physicians should invest in it, how to buy & store it, & risks

Oil and Gas Investments: Tax Benefits and Risks
Opportunities to invest in oil and gas investments offer tax deductions for W2 physicians, but it’s important to know the pros, cons & risks

Coast FIRE: A Milestone in the Financial Independence Journey When You No Longer Need to Save for Retirement
What Coast FIRE is, how to calculate your number, and what hitting this milestone in the financial independence journey means for physicians

The 4 Percent Rule: How Much Money You Need to Retire & Your Financial Independence Number
The 4 percent rule helps determine how much money you need to retire comfortably and calculate if you’ve achieved financial independence.

How to Vet Opportunities to Invest In Startups Via Angel Investments or Venture Capital
Questions to ask and due diligence to perform when deciding whether to invest in a startup via an angel investment or venture capital

What is Angel Investing?
What to know about pros, cons, & risks of angel investing in startups, how physicians can find and vet opportunities, & tips to get started

What Do Interest Rate Cuts Mean for Physicians?
What the federal rate cut and declining interest rates mean for physicians, looking at mortgages, student loans, savings accounts & more

Defined Benefit Cash Balance Plans: Powerful Tax Strategy for Physician Practices and Entrepreneurs
Defined benefit cash balance plans offer large potential tax deductions & retirement contributions for doctors who understand how they work
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