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Educational Resources for Physician Life

(I.e. the things we wish we'd learned in medical school and residency)


While physicians go through more schooling and education than almost any other profession, several key components of education are left out of our formal training. Here at Physician Side Gigs, we want to give you all the tools med school was missing. Explore our main educational primers below for deep dives into different topics for doctors in every stage of their careers and lives.


Check back as we are continually adding new educational resources. If you have a question and can't find an answer on our website, ask the hive mind in our physician Facebook groups.






Personal finance educational primers for doctors
Physician career educational primers
Free educational events for physicians
Blog articles for all aspects of life and career for doctors



Questions about personal finances? We have you covered. Explore our overviews on each of the topics below, then dive into our related personal finance blog posts and recordings of previous free events.




Contentment in your career is one of the best ways to help prevent physician burnout. Whether that involves starting your own practice or finding a position with a different employer, we've got resources to help you through the process. Explore our overviews on each of the topics below, then dive into our related private practice blog posts, career blog posts, and recordings of previous free events for both.






Most Recent Articles From the Blog

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