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Physician Side Gigs Databases & Matching Services

(About our databases & how companies can connect with doctors seeking side gigs)


At Physician Side Gigs, we love connecting physicians with additional income streams, and offer many opportunities for interested individuals and companies to connect with physicians seeking side hustles on our communities of over 200,000 verified physician members. These are some of our most popular offerings on our communities, with many projects filling within minutes. 


We have several databases for different types of physician side gig opportunities, which are aimed at quickly identifying matches for requests based on interests and expertise, location, and rates. 






Physicians Seeking 

Consulting Opportunities



Physicians Seeking 

Expert Witness Opportunities



Physicians Seeking 

Telemedicine Opportunities



Physicians Seeking 





Verified Members in Communities if More Physicians 
Are Needed


  • Consulting and Advisor Opportunities

  • Expert Witness Opportunities

  • Locum Tenens Opportunities

  • Telemedicine Opportunities

  • Speaking Opportunities

  • Writing and Media Opportunities

  • Brand Partnerships Opportunities

Our databases contain physicians from every specialty/subspecialty



  • ~200,000 verified physician members, or ~15%-20% of the practicing physician population in the United States

  • ~75% of our population is within the first two decades of practice

    • These are stages of practice where physicians tend to be extremely interested in building additional income streams as well as active on the job market and job searches

  • Physicians spread across the country for side gigs with regional needs

Success stories
TLDR: Our members love these opportunities (they're in a side gigs group, after all)

  • Highly engaged: Over 85% email open rate on emails about opportunities

  • >98% success rate in filling projects​​​
    • We offer feasibility studies to ensure the best chance at success before charging a full project fee if there is doubt we can fill a project​
    • Ability to offer projects to our communities of ~200,000 verified physician members if we cannot fill from our databases
  • Quick recruitments
    • Projects can be mobilized within the week
    • Most projects fill within a few days​
    • Example - one project request for 30 radiologists for an AI project filled in 23 minutes
  • Able to recruit very specific respondents

    • Because of the breadth of our database, we are able to offer highly specialized recruitments for niche populations or locations, even in smaller subspecialties such as neurosurgery or physicians performing a specific type of procedure​ or using a specific device


A few notes

  • We do not advertise uncompensated opportunities for physicians. We are physician first, always, and that does mean we stand up for the worth of physicians. We also do not advertise opportunities that do not pay physicians a fair rate for their time and expertise. 

  • We do not give access to companies to browse our databases or see physician contact information. All opportunities are opt-in, meaning that physicians who have signed up on our databases indicating criteria that match your opportunity are contacted about the opportunity by our team. They can then contact you or opt to be contacted by you.

  • We are a boutique advertising option. Companies tend to use us because they know we are able to find specific physicians, but not because we are the cheapest option compared to a generic job board. We do try, however, to offer more competitive pricing than many research firms or executive search firms.​

  • We retain the right to decline any opportunity which we feel is not in line with the values or goals of our communities.

    • Unfortunately, not all requests to advertise can be accommodated. Common reasons we decline projects are lack of adequate compensation for a physician's expertise, bandwidth issues, or because an opportunity is not consistent with our standards for optimal patient care.


Interested in hiring a physician for a side gig opportunity or signing up for our side gigs databases as a physician? See below.


For non side gig or job listing opportunities to partner with Physician Side Gigs, visit our Partner With Us page to explore all of our available partnership opportunities with our physician communities.




Looking for physicians to fill a side gig opportunity for your company or client? We can help! Please fill out our quick advertising inquiry form, which helps us collect relevant information on the opportunity available so we can best explore partnership opportunities.


Please note that we will not be able to talk to you about your needs prior to having an initial intake form filled out to assess synergy. While we are always willing to tailor solutions, we are fortunate to receive many requests and cannot take meetings without an understanding of the opportunity, your budget, and the compensation you are able to offer physicians.




Physicians looking for side gig opportunities can sign up for the database(s) related to their interests to be notified of opportunities that match their criteria. To help ensure everyone in the databases is a physician, sign up access to the databases is currently limited to members of our Physician Side Gigs Facebook group, which is completely free to join and participate in, but only open to verified physicians.​ There is no charge to be listed on our physician side gigs matching databases.




Looking to advertise a permanent job opening instead of a side gig? We also offer a job board for physician positions and job matching services to connect physicians with employers. With these solutions, we aim to bridge the gap between employers and physicians by replacing traditional hiring practices with a more effective and cost conscious solution.




If you have further questions, contact us today.



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